Steady Progress

Good day to you all, and thank you for bearing with me while I have been dealing with some personal topics.   RG65 is never far from my mind but I have just not been able to put anything down in writing for a while.

I can confirm that Achille is making some great progress on a new draft of the RG65 Rules that will be opened up for review very soon.   He has received some good feedback from his initial group of Tech advisors and he is now converting this input into a workable proposal.

What we did learn from this process is that everyone has many great ideas of how they would like the class to evolve but as you can imagine not everyone has exactly the same view.  What remains very important to me is that the future direction of the class must not be determined by me, the ICA committee or the ICA Technical committee.   The future evolution of the class must come from you via your World Council representatives.

So for now we are concentrating to keeping the concept of the rules as close to the current 2014 Rules as we can, but converting them into a format which is modern, easy to read and understand, clear so that misinterpretation is reduced, adaptable to local requirements and finally and most importantly, a solid platform to allow future amendments and adaption by the class through democratic process.

So please don’t expect anything too radical when they are published for comment, but please also do not simply reject them because they look different.

  Something else that has been happening is that Vangelis and I have been encouraging the various Nations to sign up to our memorandums and we now have 17 countries signed up and forming our Founding World Council, and there are a few more which should soon join.   This is a fantastic take up and we look forward to working with you all to take the class forward.  You can see details of all this Here and if you click the map image above you can see how the call is distributed around the world.

It is good to see so many countries getting back to sailing after the last few years of disruption and I hope that all of you will be able to get some sailing this year.   On the ICA website we have a page where you can advertise your National Championships .  If you would like your event to be included then please get in contact with Vangelis using the online Form.

Talking about events, while 2021 will have it limitations, it would be good to see some regional, or international events taking place in the coming years.  If you would like to explore the possibility of hosting such an event then please get it touch.

As always, if you have anything that you want to discuss or bring to my attention then please get in touch.   I am always available and keen to engage with as many of you as I can.

That will be that for now.   Happy Sailing everyone


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