
Welcome Harry Drenth

I am very please to share the news that Harry Drenth has agreed to be co-opted onto the RG65 ICA committee.

Harry started RC sailing in 1987 in the Marblehead class in the Netherlands and later started sailing Micro Magics together with his daughter for several years.

Harry has been a stakeholder in the RG65 class for a long time. He started sailing RG65 in 2009 at the iDM in Berlin with a pristine RGForce and was runner up behind Gerrit de Wilde, the builder of this successful design. He was 3 times German Meister and in 2023 won the Dutch championship.

From 2014 until just before the Corona pandemic he ran, a company running a web platform for competitive sailing managing all aspects of a sailing regatta: calendar, registration & payment, fleet management, scoring and presentation of results.  In rc-sailing Harry has previously been responsible for the scoring at 5 world championships in IOM, M and 10R.

This winter he and Chris Vaes developed a radiosailing academy, a winter course for competitive sailing during which  webinars,  theory days and ‘wet’ training days were held.  25 sailors from various classes  attended the courses given by Rob Sepers, professional formal Olympic trainer and Geert Geelkerken, chair of the sailing council in the Netherlands.

On joining the RG65 ICA Executive Harry said  “My ambition is to grow and professionalize the RG65 class internationally and promote international sailing with the class by helping to connect the affiliated countries.  My previous involvement in R/C sailing is testament to my passion for the sport and I look forward to continuing this with the RG65 Class.”

Welcome Harry, we look forward to working with you.  

Are you ready to help

Happy New Year to you all.  We at the ICA wish you a happy and successful 2025.

As you know the ICA is made up of volunteers who offer their time free of charge, and without this the class will not be able to grow, or even sustain itself.   These volunteers include the country representatives who are often also very active in their National Association, the ICA World Council Members who represent their Nation at the ICA, the ICA committees who help with technical matters like the Class Rules as well as other topics, and then the ICA Executive Committee who try to manage all aspects of the RG65 Class.   All of this help is greatly appreciated and without it the class, like all classes, would not succeed.

The current ICA committee has been in place for some time and doing their best to support everything, but need more volunteers to join the executive and/or other committees.

So we are calling out for volunteers to help, and we are not expecting full time help.   Most of us have our day-jobs and offer a few hours a week, and that is all that we ask for,  a few hours a week.

What skills do we need ….. the “desire to help”, thats all.

If you feel that you have the time to help running the RG65 ICA, please let us know.

In the meantime the current committee remain at your service.

World Council Membership Accepted for Poland

In October we informed you that Poland had made an application to join the RG65 ICA World Council.  The ICA constitution states that a period of 4 weeks must be allowed before accepting the application.

4 Weeks has passed and so we are please to confirm that Poland have been accepted to the RG65 World Council.

Witamy w Radzie ?wiatowej RG65


Wayne Stobbs

World Council Membership Application – Poland

  • The RG65 ICA is required to announce when applications for membership of the ICA World Council are received.

Accordingly we are pleased to announce that an NCS application has been received from Poland.

This applications will be accepted by the ICA after 4 weeks have elapsed unless another person or group make an opposing application.


Wayne Stobbs

Cancellation of the 2024 European Championships in Italy

Dear RG65 Sailors

Today I must regrettably inform you that the planned 2024 European Championships on Lake Idro in Italy are cancelled.

The team in Italy have put a lot of effort into the planning but have unfortunately been unable to secure some important commitments from other stakeholders.

The ICA would like to thank Virginio Boglietti and his team for all their efforts. We hope that in the future we can arrange an event at this fantastic location.


Your ICA committee will look for possible alternative locations in the hope that we can still organise and event in 2024.  Please feel free to let us know if you may be interested in arranging an event in your country.


Wayne Stobbs (ICA Chair)

Change of date for the Italian Cup in 2023

Dear RG65 community

We have received the following message from the organisers of the 2023 Italian Cup

I am sorry to have to inform you that the RG65 Italian Cup will not be held at the end of March due to logistical problems due to the closure of our reference campsite. We are therefore obliged to give the new dates which will be 20-21-22 May 2023.

This is the reference link to view the campsite:

It is better to book in advance, both pitches for campers and bungalows (there is a lot of demand….)

We will soon issue the Notice of Race for the RG65 Italian Cup


Please keep track of all National and International events that we are aware of on the Events page

International Events – Update

Following our recent message about looking forward towards some International Events, I am very pleased to say that Italy have made contact to confirm their interest of holding a Global or European event in the latter half of 2023.   We are in the early stages of seeing with can be arranged and will make further announcments in due course.

In the menatime, are there any out countries of clubs that would like to signal their interest?  Please give this serious consideration and make contact with us if you think that there is a chance that an event could be staged in your country in the coming years.

International Events

Now that we have a suitable set of class rules, an established World Council and a committed ICA Committee we feel that we should start to work towards organising some international event.

As these events need to be announced at least 1 year in advance the likely dates for any Global and Regional Championships will probably be sometime in 2024 (but we are  happy to work on an earlier date if we believe it is achievable) but the first step it to invite all of the ICA nations to come forward with an “Expression of Interest” if they would like to host such an event.

We have today asked the World Council members to contact us if they would like to host such and event and, to support that, we ask you all to talk to your World Council member if you or your Club would like to organise and host one of these championship events.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Luis Bordino joins the ICA Committe

The ICA always seeks to ensure that the interests of all RG65 stakeholders are fairly represented through the World Council, but also through the ICA Committee.

As you will know, the RG65 class has its roots in South America and so it is with great pleasure that the ICA Committee have today co-opted Luis Bordino from Argentina onto the Committee.

Luis will remain co-opted onto the Committee under clause 6.1 of the Regulations until the next Annual Meeting on the World Council.

On behalf of the Committee, I welcome Luis and we look forward to his valuable contribution while we seek to re-establish the Rg65 Class on the world stage.


Wayne Stobbs (ICA Chairman)

New RG65 Class Rules Published

We are pleased to announce that, following a unanimous vote in favor by the World Council, the 2022 RG65 Class Rules are now published and should be used in all RG65 events going forward.

Much work went into drafting these rules and one of the main focuses of the team who carried out the review was to ensure that fundamentals of the class remain unchanged.

We are confident that all RG65 stakeholders with find these new rules easy to understand and implement.   Should you have any questions about the rules then please address those questions to your World Council Member.

You will find the new Rules and associated documents under the Class Rules heading

Wayne Stobbs – ICA Chairman