World Council Membership Accepted for Poland

In October we informed you that Poland had made an application to join the RG65 ICA World Council.  The ICA constitution states that a period of 4 weeks must be allowed before accepting the application.

4 Weeks has passed and so we are please to confirm that Poland have been accepted to the RG65 World Council.

Witamy w Radzie ?wiatowej RG65


Wayne Stobbs

World Council Membership Application – Poland

  • The RG65 ICA is required to announce when applications for membership of the ICA World Council are received.

Accordingly we are pleased to announce that an NCS application has been received from Poland.

This applications will be accepted by the ICA after 4 weeks have elapsed unless another person or group make an opposing application.


Wayne Stobbs

Cancellation of the 2024 European Championships in Italy

Dear RG65 Sailors

Today I must regrettably inform you that the planned 2024 European Championships on Lake Idro in Italy are cancelled.

The team in Italy have put a lot of effort into the planning but have unfortunately been unable to secure some important commitments from other stakeholders.

The ICA would like to thank Virginio Boglietti and his team for all their efforts. We hope that in the future we can arrange an event at this fantastic location.


Your ICA committee will look for possible alternative locations in the hope that we can still organise and event in 2024.  Please feel free to let us know if you may be interested in arranging an event in your country.


Wayne Stobbs (ICA Chair)

Change of date for the Italian Cup in 2023

Dear RG65 community

We have received the following message from the organisers of the 2023 Italian Cup

I am sorry to have to inform you that the RG65 Italian Cup will not be held at the end of March due to logistical problems due to the closure of our reference campsite. We are therefore obliged to give the new dates which will be 20-21-22 May 2023.

This is the reference link to view the campsite:

It is better to book in advance, both pitches for campers and bungalows (there is a lot of demand….)

We will soon issue the Notice of Race for the RG65 Italian Cup


Please keep track of all National and International events that we are aware of on the Events page

International Events – Update

Following our recent message about looking forward towards some International Events, I am very pleased to say that Italy have made contact to confirm their interest of holding a Global or European event in the latter half of 2023.   We are in the early stages of seeing with can be arranged and will make further announcments in due course.

In the menatime, are there any out countries of clubs that would like to signal their interest?  Please give this serious consideration and make contact with us if you think that there is a chance that an event could be staged in your country in the coming years.

International Events

Now that we have a suitable set of class rules, an established World Council and a committed ICA Committee we feel that we should start to work towards organising some international event.

As these events need to be announced at least 1 year in advance the likely dates for any Global and Regional Championships will probably be sometime in 2024 (but we are  happy to work on an earlier date if we believe it is achievable) but the first step it to invite all of the ICA nations to come forward with an “Expression of Interest” if they would like to host such an event.

We have today asked the World Council members to contact us if they would like to host such and event and, to support that, we ask you all to talk to your World Council member if you or your Club would like to organise and host one of these championship events.

We look forward to hearing from you.

World Council Membership Application – Argentina

The RG65 ICA is required to announce when applications for membership of the ICA World Council are received.

Accordingly we are pleased to announce that an NCA application has been received from Argentina.

This applications will be accepted by the ICA after 4 weeks have elapsed unless another person or group make an opposing application.


Wayne Stobbs

Final Agenda and supporting documents for the 2022 AGM of the RG65 ICA

The final agenda for the 2022 AGM of the RG65 ICA has been published together with details of the 20221 accounts and budget for 2022, motions to be voted on at the AGM and details of the candidates standing for election to the Executive Committee.

For full details please visit

All RG65 ICA World Council Members are requested to attend the AGM at 8PM GMT on 26 March 2022.  Details of how to join the meeting and how to vote will be distributed to the World Council in due course.


Wayne Stobbs

Temporary ICA Chairman


Update on the 2022 rules proposal and preparations of the AGM

You will recall that we circulated a set of draft RG65 Rules for comment in December.  I am glad to say that we received some great feedback from a number of Nations as well as a few “Thumbs Up” with our proposal.

We are currently re-working the draft Rules with some of your suggestions so that they are ready for final consideration and acceptance at the AGM on 26 March 2022.

There are a number or suggested changes that we feel are too extensive to be included in this revision and so some of them will be carried forward for further discuss with a view to have the World Council consider them for a future version.

We received no notice of additional topics for the AGM by the deadline on  15 January and so the AGM agenda will be as originally proposed HERE.

We also received no proposals for committee members as so the current temporary committee will stand for election unopposed.

Here is a recap of the AGM Agenda

          1. Accounts for the 2021 year and a budget for 2022
          2. Special Resolution to adopt the revised 2022 Constitution
            • Revisions include
              • Amending the options for chairmanship of the Technical sub-committee
          3. Ordinary Resolution to select a voting methodology to be incorporated into the Regulations. The options for consideration to be:
            • Proportional voting with the votes determined by the number of active sailors in the country as set out in Appendix A of the current un-adopted Regulations
            • Simple voting with each member having a single vote with an additional vote for any member NCA or NCS who were represented at any RG65 Global or World championships sanctioned by the ICA in the previous 4 years.  This gives a maximum of 2 votes per member.
          4. Ordinary Resolution to adopt the revised 2022 Regulations
            • Revisions include
              • Voting methodology to be chosen through a motion listed above;
              • Amendments to define a process to be followed should multiple applications for Would Council membership be received from the same country.
          5. Special Resolution to adopt the 2022 version of the Class Rules.
          6. Election of the ICA committee.

I would like to further recap a few points on how the AGM voting shall proceed.

      1. In this instance of the AGM each World Council member shall have 1 (one) vote on each agenda item that calls for a vote.
      2. Votes must be cast by the World Council member or a proxy that they appoint to vote on their behalf.
      3. Special Resolutions require a 2/3rds of votes in their favor to be accepted
      4. Ordinary Resolutions require a simple majority (>50%) of votes cast
      5. In the case of special resolutions each World Council Member is required by the  Class Constitution to ballot it’s members and cast their vote at the AGM accordingly.

As I mentioned earlier, we are now preparing the Committee Motions, including the Rules, and plan to release these to the World Council Members on or before 29 January so that you may all consider them before the AGM in March.

The temporary committee are pleased with the progress already made and we hope that you all see the proposed changes as positive steps forward for the class.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to let us know.

Sincerely on behalf of the RG65 ICA

Wayne Stobbs


Feedback on 2022 Rules proposal

Hi Everyone

We see some great review and discussion going on regarding the 2022 rules proposal we circulated last week.

We are noticing a few things that are coming up in a lot of discussions so we though that it would be a good idea to share these with you as they may answer some of your questions or concerns.

We have created a section on our forum where we will add is any recurring theme and give you our take on things.   Please feel free to comment on these topics in the forum, or build them into your own discussions you are having with your NCA/NCS.

To see this discussion please go to

Best regards

