Dear Sailor!
In August last you got a Mail from me, requesting you to present
Candidates for getting in charge of the RG65-ICA.
To that there were only TWO answers: one offering “general help” and
some sound advices, and one from Wayne Stobbs.
Wayne, friend and collaborator of RG65-ICA from long time ago, offers
himself to Manage the RG65-ICA.
As at today, December 31, I counted all the received approvals (so far
only 3 countries missing), and we find that NOBODY expressed some
objection. Or, in other words, there are
15 Welcomes, with 3 Countries without answer so far.
As I wrote: “if there are more approvals more then rejections, I will
hand over the whole control of RG65-ICA to Wayne”
And so will it be!
Today I CONFIRM THAT WAYNE STOBBS is the Chairman of RG65, starting
at 0:00 Hs UTC of January 1, 2021!
To Wayne I assure my full assistance, to the best of my abilities, and
am sure he will take us on the right path!
To Wayne I wish success,
to ALL RG65 Sailors, to Everyone,
I wish you Fair Winds, and Good Luck!
Fredo Vollmer
(Past RG65-ICA Chairman)