Welcome Harry Drenth

I am very please to share the news that Harry Drenth has agreed to be co-opted onto the RG65 ICA committee.

Harry started RC sailing in 1987 in the Marblehead class in the Netherlands and later started sailing Micro Magics together with his daughter for several years.

Harry has been a stakeholder in the RG65 class for a long time. He started sailing RG65 in 2009 at the iDM in Berlin with a pristine RGForce and was runner up behind Gerrit de Wilde, the builder of this successful design. He was 3 times German Meister and in 2023 won the Dutch championship.

From 2014 until just before the Corona pandemic he ran Sailing.today, a company running a web platform for competitive sailing managing all aspects of a sailing regatta: calendar, registration & payment, fleet management, scoring and presentation of results.  In rc-sailing Harry has previously been responsible for the scoring at 5 world championships in IOM, M and 10R.

This winter he and Chris Vaes developed a radiosailing academy, a winter course for competitive sailing during which  webinars,  theory days and ‘wet’ training days were held.  25 sailors from various classes  attended the courses given by Rob Sepers, professional formal Olympic trainer and Geert Geelkerken, chair of the sailing council in the Netherlands.

On joining the RG65 ICA Executive Harry said  “My ambition is to grow and professionalize the RG65 class internationally and promote international sailing with the class by helping to connect the affiliated countries.  My previous involvement in R/C sailing is testament to my passion for the sport and I look forward to continuing this with the RG65 Class.”

Welcome Harry, we look forward to working with you.  

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